VeriVITAL Students and Group Members

VeriVITAL Group Photos

Principal Investigator

Research Interests
Cyber-physical systems, formal methods, hybrid systems, safe AI, trustworthy AI

Current Group Members

Postdoctoral Research Associates and Research Scientists

PhD Students

MSc Thesis Students

Undergraduate Students

Past Group Members and Alumni

Postdoctoral Research Associate Alumni

PhD Alumni

  • Neelanjana Pal, Vanderbilt EECS; joined group summer 2019 to spring 2024
  • Tianshu Bao, Vanderbilt EECS; MSc, Applied Mathematics, SUNY Stony Brook, 2016; started fall 2017
  • Diego Manzanas Lopez, Vanderbilt EECS; BSc Physics, Presbyterian College, 2017; started fall 2017
  • Nathaniel (Nate) Hamilton, Vanderbilt EECS; BS Computer Science, Lipscomb University, 2017; started summer 2017; 2019 NDSEG Fellow
  • Xiaodong Yang, Vanderbilt EECS; MSc, Mechanical Engineering, 2016; started fall 2017
  • Patrick Musau, Vanderbilt EECS; BSc Physics and Applied Mathematics, Furman University, 2017; started fall 2017
  • Hoang-Dung Tran, Vanderbilt EECS; 2015-2020; next position: Assistant Professor at University of Nebraska Lincoln
  • Shafiul Chowdhury, UTA CSE, co-advised with Christoph Csallner; BSc Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), started fall 2015; next position: Research Scientist at Facebook
  • Luan Viet Nguyen, UTA CSE; spring 2014 to spring 2018; first position: postdoc with Rajeev Alur at UPenn; current position: Assistant Professor at University of Dayton
  • Omar Ali Beg, UTA EE, co-advised with Ali Davoudi; started summer 2014, graduated summer 2017; first position: postdoc with Ali Davoudi; current position: Assistant Professor at University of Texas Permian Basin

Other Past Graduate Students

  • Yuanqi Xie, Vanderbilt EECS; MSc, Bioengineering, Case Western Reserve University 2017; fall 2017 to fall 2018
  • Ran Hao, Vanderbilt EECS; MSc, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), Case Western Reserve University, 2017; BSc, Reliability and Systems Engineering, Beihang University; fall 2017 to spring 2018

MSc Thesis Alumni

Undergraduate Student Alumni

  • Timothy Liang, BSc Project, Vanderbilt EECS
  • Stirling Carter, BSc Project, Vanderbilt EECS
  • Austin Wilms, BSc Project, Vanderbilt EECS
  • Yinghui Yang, BSc Project, Vanderbilt EECS
  • Anissa Alexander, BSc Project, Vanderbilt EECS
  • Christina Wang, BSc Project, Vanderbilt EECS
  • Daniel Hong, BSc Project, Johns Hopkins University Mechanical Engineering
  • Eric Nelson, BSc Project, UTA, Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), 2013-2014; first position: graduate student at Texas A&M University

Prospective Students: I am looking for ambitious and motivated graduate and undergraduate students. Research Assistantships (RAs) are available for competitive candidates. If you are a Vanderbilt student looking for an advisor, or if you are interested in applying to Vanderbilt for graduate studies in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, or Computer Engineering, please email me with your resume/CV if you are interested to do research in formal methods, hybrid systems, embedded systems / cyber-physical systems, software engineering, distributed systems, and related areas. If you do not include your resume/CV, I will definitely not respond. As I receive many such requests, I cannot reply to every email, but do my best to reply to competitive applicants.

Current/Recent Collaborators